There were only two (2) radio shows that I considered to be so vital that I would regularly record them to listen to later.
The other one was The Howard Stern Show.
However, way before I was a rabid fan of the KOAM, I was listening to American Top 40. The show, which began airing when I was two years old, was certainly required listening for me by the time I was, oh, what, eight?
I can specifically remember acts and songs Casey introduced me to. "Ring My Bell" by Anita Ward. "Life's Been Good" by Joe Walsh. "Emotion" by Samantha Sang (and the Bee Gees). "Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran. And on and on and on and on.
Kasey Casem long passed on his mantle to Ryan Seacrest, and I have long stopped listening, except occassionally when I think to catch the rebroadcast on satellite radio. (And rebroadcasting the Casem-era countdowns is such a stroke of genius that I'm certain Sirius will end the practice soon if it has not already.) Because there's only one fella as far as I'm concerned who was up to this task. (And also, admittedly, because I am an old man who is no longer interested in most of the product touted by the good ol' Top 40.
Anyway, so long to the steadiest voice ever to air, and thanks for feeding me music for many, many years.
Radio Legend Casey Kasem Dead at 82 Not to mention: "A political liberal, he narrated a campaign ad for George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign,[16] hosted fundraisers for Jesse Jackson's presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988,[17] supported Ralph Nader for U.S. President in 2000, and supported progressive Democrat Dennis Kucinich in his 2004 and 2008 presidential campaigns.[18]"
And now for something glib and probably inappropriate, but utterly unavoidable:
Or this
Also of interest
Dad got one of these for Fadah's Day.
Clear eyes. Full hearts. Hope it fits.
(He confirms that it does fit. Can't lose!)

"But [O.J. Simpson's manager Norman] Pardo also says [O.J.] Simpson asked that race not be the focal point of his Nevada defense because Illinois senator Barack Obama was running in the presidential election that November and Simpson didn't want to hurt his chances."
Maybe the man is redeemable after all.
(C'mon. JOKING.)
Twenty years after infamous Bronco chase, O.J. Simpson still a mystery
"A sewer worker is like a brain surgeon. We're both specialists." (Edward Lillywhite Norton)