Friday, December 21, 2018

Zappadan 2018...Day 17. I Knew You'd Be Surprised

Zappadan always goes so fast.

I didn't do as much here as I had thought I would. I haven't in recent years. It's difficult to blog about a single topic for 17 days straight and to do it with a new angle.

But, Zappadan these days is not so much about the blogging. I spent some time watching some really great kids doing some serious vlogging, and they managed to make it to pretty much every blessed night. I learned much from these vlog sessions and will probably revisit them. You should note that these two sometimes got chat from some weird old guy. They were extremely nice to their party crasher.

Lot of activity over at the @zappadan Twitter. And, I tried to document the activity over at I will be adding more stuff and cleaning it up as I have time, and I think I'm going to try to blog over there year-round.

I like the Zappadan thing. It's weird. But it makes me expand my appreciation. I ended up taking on a few more albums, including Sleep Dirt, which I managed to find on vinyl; The Roxy Performances, Chicago '78, Little Dots, the Road Tapes albums, Finer Moments. All highly recommended listens, and all brand new to me this year.

And I think if I realized something about Frank this year, it's that yeah, he was a great musician, a spouter of various wisdom, a brave stalwart versus authority's fists, and just plain altogether an attitude.

I think the greatest thing about Zappa was that he was the ultimate music fan.

And I think that's what makes Frank Zappa so undeniable to those of us who revere him.

Merry Zappadan.

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Thanks for the pie.